Electives and optional subjects at Skals Efterskole

At our school, you are required to choose one elective subject that you follow the whole school year (with two lessons each of 70 minutes weekly).

For 2023/24, students can choose between the following: Fitness – Golf – Football – Outdoor - Dancing - Tumbling & trampoline -Creativity & needlework - Media & photography - Body, mind & soul.

In addition to having one of the above-mentioned elective subjects, each student can choose between a large variety of different optional subjects. Depending on the amount of space in your schedule, you can choose one or more of the subjects below. The optional subjects on offer depend on the time of year, as well as the teachers’ and students’ interests. They typically run through nine weeks per round (with lessons of 70 minutes weekly), which means that you can have the opportunity of trying many different things.

The teaching faculty will introduce the options available during the first weeks at the school. Here are examples of some of the optional subjects we have offered the previous years – they are not necessarily the same ones on offer this year.

Active optional subjects:

  • Fitness
  • Yoga
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Ball games
  • MAS - Masser Af Sport (= Loads of sport)
  • Running club
  • Minigolf
  • Movement, Dance & Rhythm

Creative/Musical optional subjects:

  • Knitting
  • Art Express
  • Guitar

Assorted optional subjects:

  • Psychology
  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • Film club
  • Health & Wellness
  • Homework café
  • Board games
  • Extended Maths
  • The Brain
  • Walk & Talk

All in all, our electives and optional subjects give you the chance to be inspired, to have fun and to learn about completely different areas than in your academic subjects. The elective subject you choose will give you the opportunity of going into depth with something you really enjoy - or of trying out something completely new…

To sum up, your schedule will consist of a combination of:

  • Academic subjects with a final exam (depending on which class you attend)
  • Your chosen elective, which runs through the whole year
  • Optional subject(s), which you can choose every 9 weeks if there is space in your schedule
  • Common sessions, which are the same for everyone and decided beforehand (see description elsewhere)
Electives and optional subjects at Skals Efterskole
Electives and optional subjects at Skals Efterskole
Electives and optional subjects at Skals Efterskole